Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Couple T... :)

How many couples willing to wear couple t when hang out??? Emm I think quite a lot couple wearing couple t nowadays. Some is normal one which just polo T which same colour while some is very funny one which use pictures to link a story... Recently can c a lot of shop selling couple T too... although looked simple but cost around RM50 and above depend on the T's material since some is Polo T while some is normal cotton T-shirt...

Last time I did bought the couple T for the first year anniversary with my bf if not mistaken... this is the second time I bought wit him... luckily he never refuse me... coz normally guy will feel shy and lebih lebih y mus wear couple T o... some may think we look silly o smthg... but for me it is sweet lo... I like couple thing... recently oso got shop selling the pair or couple thing in Sunway Pyramid... but I nvr visit that shop before coz like quite expensive o...

This is a couple T bought by me... cute o not???

C the sample of me n my bf wearing the couple T...


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