Year 2007 wil b end soon... Many things happened in tis year... mostly is unhappy things jus few is happy thing... is for health I seldom fall in sick in tis year jus few times onli compared wit last time... for family is like normal onli not much big big argument o charges... jus the big charges is the relationship wit my cousin.. for fren got some bitches I jus find out .... for lover looked back tis year we really hav big big argument til now til hav... the side effects of those argument I wil not forget in my life... sometimes I really feel lost when wit u... I try to concentrated but sometimes what I done really out of my mind... sorry if I did hurt u sometimes...
I really hope can go countdown n c the fireworks but tis dream since far far away from me... due to certain reason n so on...
What goal for new coming year.... I really no idea of it... jus hope everything wil b more smooth n learn not to cry most of the time lo :P....
The time tick tack tick tack going slowly... n I waiting alone for the new year coming....
Monday, December 31, 2007
End of 2007
Written by Kathy at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I m flu since few days ago... I tot is my nose sensitive but I til flu right now ler... wat happen to my nose y suddenly flu cannot stop 1... I cannot believe wat I did jus now while I til flu.... I go shopping wit my mum n buy 1pant n 1skrit o... Haha when shopping cannot feel the flu... now suffer edi lo... since jus now the air-cond inside the shopping mall quite cold oso... my mum oso flu a bit when shopped ler... mayb I infect my mum oso... although flu but I til update my blog since so long time I didnt update my blog on time... coz my bro using internet ma... now he go to Malacca registered lo... so I can update my blog everyday lo....
But 2day I really feel sick... some interesting thing I wil b update on 2moro lo... tat all for 2day... nitez...
Written by Kathy at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wat is the most easiest thing to become fragile.... for me my answer definitely is love relationship... I jus get to knew from one of my secondary skool fren who said some of my frens hav been married few weeks ago due to pregnancy while some getting break up edi coz some of the guys fall in love wit other gals as well.... wtf wit the love relationship right now... all like kelam-kabut that kind... couples who I think can b together forever 1by1 break up.... feel sad for them oso coz they pak tou since secondary skool ma now go coll o work edi den change heart edi.... how can they change so fast 1.... no 1 wonder them gua... I oso doubt of it...
Relation which go longer wil less chemistry edi... jus need find the way to maintain them... but seldom ppl can find tat way... jus said if they found... they r very suitable to get marry... n congratulation to them.... I wonder izit love relationship need try the lucky of both of the partners???
Some of the couples r so ke lian they need to separate to the one who loved with coz some of them r passed away n others.... but some ppl like to "ai mei" - ambiguity of their feeling... I try tis b4... wat I get??? Nothing... If really love someone... should be brave n tell them the true feeling... dun let their feeling bury deep inside their heart... I sure 1day they wil feel regret.... y tat time nvr express out the feeling... if they express out the feeling... wat the result they wil get??? They nvr know if they nvr take any actions....
Fragile fragile fragile.... ppl relationship really fragile... now me n my cousin relationship really sux... feel like got invisible wall btw us edi... tat wall wil not gone away from both of us.... whereas for love relationship... love izit everything in our life??? tis hav 2 depend on different ppl viewed... love brings sweet to ppl o brings sad to ppl... onli the insider know...
Written by Kathy at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas
2moro is Christmas lo.... So far... I hav went to few places n take pics wit Christmas Trees...
Written by Kathy at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Managing Personal Finance
Recently, I really not good in manage my financial.... I spent a lot of money buying stupid things which I may not use right now.... Haiz... Now I thinking wan buying the Sony Cyber Shot coz now hav the o.d.m watch as free gift o.... the watch worth around rm300++ ma... but my mum strictly not allow me to buy... I think I should more control of myself.... not to waste a lot of money.... should keep some savings ma... for future use... I feel regret of registered the English course last year ago which costs around rm2500 like tat... I so stupid... I jus attend the classes half way... long time I didnt go for tat class edi since parking thr a bit difficult o... now dunno wan attend tat class n get the cert o not o... but I almost forget the grammar things edi... lazy to learn back n take the exam o...
Now my bro's fren is staying my house ler... weird weird tat feeling... feel uncomfortable a bit lo...
Written by Kathy at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Old Town
Within tis weeks cant believe that, I went to Old Town most than 5times.... My favorite drink is Nan Yang Kopi O very nice o... n my favorite toast is the kaya n butter double side toast which oso is the most famous toast in Old Town... Now I addict eating toast n drinking coffee in Old Town...Tis is the Tom Yam Mee Hoon n kopi o I ordered... honestly the main meal in Old Town is not so delicious... while the tea time toast o drinks is nice...
Tis few days I going to many places.... coz my bro wan buy laptop lo... need survey more ma... finally yesterday I went to Low Yat wit him n buy lo... is quite cheap than other place lo...
Written by Kathy at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wo Ke Yi
Tis few days I didnt write my blog since I no mood at tis few days but now feel better edi.... I think all things should b settled... B4 tat, I tot my holidays wil b the long way to go but now is edi 20 Dec ler.... 11 more days new year wil b coming... really hope can go n countdown coz can c the firework ma... so nice ler...
Tis coming Saturday is "Guo Tong" means can eat tang yuan n grow one more year older... if in China is winter time... n next tues is Christmas... now go any shopping mall oso can c the big n tall Christmas tree... I think so far the tallest I saw is in kl suria thr... n klg here got white Christmas tree feel like a bit romantic....
Few weeks later, new sem wil b coming... n guess wat... I going back to coll again... feel a bit nervous coz dunno wat wil happen in tis new sem since last sem many unexpected thing had b happened...
Wo Ke Yi... I know I can overcome all the problems in front of me by myself..... in future
Written by Kathy at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wo Bu Pei
Tis is my favorite song right now coz it tells out all words inside my heart right now....
Written by Kathy at 11:10 PM 0 comments
100 Posts
Tis is my 100posts in my blog so far.... I being hurt deep in love n cannot b heal edi.... Love is sweet but it brings hurt when the stories plot goes in the opposite way which means the ends.... Nobody knows how scary n powerful is love.... B4 that I tot love is bringing happiness to ppl but when love is broken.... it brings the sadness.... sadness which can make ppl crazy.... I know my responsibilities... but can I jus ignore the sadness of love.... no one wonder.... sometimes I felt myself like a failure of everything.... whatever I did is failure.... Ppl closer with me go off 1by1.... am I lousy in social life???
100Posts I should b happy I hav go so far but now I onli leave the shell n nothing inside.... Can I b the happy person after 1week... o 1month.... I til wondering.... Nite is til long n I no idea wat I going to do....
Written by Kathy at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Biggest Decision
I had made the biggest decision in my life....I dunno my decision is correct o not... but I jus feel more time I doubt of tis decision more suffer are me n my bf.... He going to uk next year.... thing almost confirm edi... jus is my stubborn make me dun wan to let go tis love.... if I nvr let it go... both of us sure wil suffer lot in coming time.... tis is the first time I feel sad... although we til can b frens but 3 n half years relationship ends.... I feel hard to accept now.... really hard.... Nothing much I can do... I jus can wish him good luck in his studies....
Written by Kathy at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Perak Trip
Last few days after pc fair, I went to the ayer tawar, perak with few of my frens.... First day raining lo so we cant go anywhere... we jus eat the seafood at nite time. Den second day whole day, we went to the pangkor island lo... n play the snookering n kayak.... we take speed bot go to the snookering place but so malang I suddenly fall down when walking to the water... That time I tot my face blooding ler so I feel scare n cry a bit lo... but actually is water ma not blood... coz I feel like something liquid ma n feel panic lo... but after that we went on the surface on the sea n c the fish close lo... some fish like got highlight on their body lo pretty lo but some fish quite big ler... I feel a bit scare they wil bite me ler... But is the good experience oso lo since it is my first time swim with the fish so close... n when kayak is terrible experience for me... when kayak tat time we move to the opposite way of the sea wave n the wave like quite strong ler... I really scare the kayak thing wil up side down ler n somemore raining a bit on that time... When I reached my fren's house n bath... it pain since my leg cut here cut thr... dunno wil create the scar o not... den I chit chat wit frens til 3o'clock like tat lo...
The next day morning, we went to the waterfall... the water r so clear n cold... the place r so natural n mystery... we walk across some rocks n find the best place to stop n enjoy the waterfall force... is quite fun in thr but dangerous a bit lo since 4persons go onli ma like no other ppl around thr ler... After that, we went back n take bath den go to the wat taman c monkeys lo n feed monkeys wit some peanuts lo... the monkeys quite dirty n smelly but they acted like human being lo some cute some no cute oso....
Den we went to teluk batik which is actually is the beach lo jus like pangkor but tis 1 looked like quite deep lo... n I made my first sand castle beside the seaside lo... look like easy but quite hard to made it ler... need take wet sand la wat la.... lastly, we went to play the go-kart.... 7laps - RM10 onli... quite fun o... excited.... n 2day jus back klg....
Written by Kathy at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Last Day
I hope 2moro wil come n end fast lo since 2moro is last day for pc fair ma... now I feel I so relax can online n update blog... so enjoy the moment right now... but time passed so fast... I need to sleep early since 2moro need wake up early ler... Now I feel I like nvr slept ler... when I lay on bed... like very fast my alarm ringing edi coz is morning edi ler... cant believe tat... mean like tire n sleep lo.. is good oso can fast fall in sleep but bad oso feel like nvr sleep ler... 2day I mengatuk so many times in pc fair ler... til the opposite side promoter oso realize n asked me dun mengatuk... :P Now feel a bit scare 2moro ler dunno wat bad thing wil come ler...
Recently I feel tat I so malang.... ppl o thing around me keep on spoil o change... 2day my car door motor spoil edi so cant open the driver door using alarm.... haiz... suddenly spoil 1 without reason... wat happen wit me o... y so malang.... nvm la monday go perak waterfall mus wash off all the malang luck on me...
Written by Kathy at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Different from expected
2day pc fair sux than yesterday ler... the sales manager, Alex... separate me n two of my other frens who worked wit me oso... I selling one of the product- mobile charger... 2day quite crowded ler til like sardin fish in between of big group ppl... like no place for me to stand ler... den I jus stand n watch the crowd.. like shit... like pasar malam... not... is worse than pasar malam... n the meal for 2day oso terrible... so I jus eat a bit meat in lunch ask my bf packed burger for me lo... den now eat meal nearby my house now waiting hair dry lo... legs so so pain... 2moro last day but cannot predict wat wil happen ler... so sux... mayb tis wil b my last time work in pc fair gua... haiz
My cousin like treat me weird weird lo... dunno lo... I no feeling edi... she totally "death" in my heart edi... wish her good luck la... treat employees like shit...
Written by Kathy at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Sux Day
2day so sux pc fair like shit... I asked to sell 1specific thing only which is mobile charger lo... hard to sell since til new product in the market so hav 2explain a lot n demo lo... somemore my cousin target so high if individual sell over 10 per day den the eleventh start giving commision each rm5 lo... so little right... so hard to hit ler... 2day total group sales is 12units onli... n legs pain pain lo... standing n the meal for dinner so sux...
2day is like a nightmare lo... terrible ppl n environment oso... jus hope pc fair worked wil b finish faster... is time for sleep lo... jus now I bath n wait hair dry ma.... now almost dry lo wan sleep lo... nite nite....
Written by Kathy at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Year 2007
Summary of tis year is my relationship wit ppl around me really not so good within tis year... the close 1 now become like stranger... n my studies oso straight line onli... wat m I doing in tis year o... I dunno... like blank...
Izit ppl get more mature the way thinking oso wil complicated??? If can choose a wish right now... I wish to turn back secondary school tat time at least ppl around me wil not wear mask... wil not pretend... all is truly make frens wit each others...
Haha... I jus wrote the message "ppl like to pretend are everywhere, more u wan to escape more u wil meet" den within 10minutes.... one of the ppl i mentioned online o... so coincidence ler initially tat ppl nvr write anything in message den now wrote "I did it arh!" wah... sound like challenge me ler....
Written by Kathy at 9:29 PM 0 comments
2day raining since morning til now ler.... so cold... but tis kind of weather make ppl feel lazy n sleepy ler... now I dunno wat to do... lazy do others thing la as I jus paint my nails.... now waiting the tv show American Top Model lo... is 1of my favorite show again... I think tis long holiday most of the time I spent on watching tv lo n out out a bit... waste a lot of money o... 2moro is the time to earn back lo...
I jus know a bit changes on my attitude o... Now I feel no wan care others thing edi... I jus wan to b myself n less thing to worry about ma... ppl act weird o wat I dun care... I dun wan guess n worry wat they try to play... if they like to play fool wit me... jus go ahead... so hate... if like to wear mask... wear la wear la... :(
Written by Kathy at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Pc Fair
2moro I wil going to work at pc fair lo for 3days lo.... The most suffer thing in pc fair is the terrible meals n legs wil feel very pain coz 1whole day standing onli cant sit ma... n haiz... one more "ma fan" on me... bad memory la... remember last year when pc fair tat time.... haiz... :(
But my cousin asked me careful when take train go kl o coz now like got ppl wan to protest thr ler... I dunno ler... so feel a bit scare scare lo....
After pc fair can go to trip lo... so happy.... now my bro going to pulau pinang wit his frens o... so haha... I get back my pc lo... 2day so nice.... cold cold lo coz morning rain very heavy ma... if 2moro rain oso good coz pc fair wil not so much ppl lo... haha...
Ya hor almost forgot to check my train schedule o.... 2moro need wake up early ler so sien ler... since I habit sleep til 10 o'clock edi ma... now haiz... need wake up at 8 o'clock gua.... haiz
One more good new... my new year clothes all buy finished lo... jus lack 1shoe lo... yesterday I went mid valley buy all color n size I choose edi ma... den tat sales girl said is last 1 ler.... Rm1xx shoe til need take display 1 meh... so I dun wan lo... I need go other place buy lo... either Sunway Pyramid o 1U o.... I so malang wan get 1shoe oso is last.... haiz....
Written by Kathy at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Long long holidays
My holidays start lo... I think onli 1week like tat onli but feel so bored edi... everyday wake up wit no goal, no target.... dunno what to do.... so I mostly is sleep n sleep... but oso cant sleep so many hours la... so I read magazine n do some stupid thing lo.... :p
Christmas is nearer o... So fast year 2007 like wan passed by edi... remember last year Christmas... n tis year Christmas like so so close jus like yesterday n 2day lo.... but in between tis year in my social life hav change a lot lo... dunno y... I jus read 1article it written 1ppl wil b meet 400++ frens in their life but we wil lost around 300++ frens o coz lack of time to keep in touch n so on lo... so sad but true ma... ppl is tend to forget the old frens n like to get to know more about the frens... dunno y.... mayb is human natural gua... coz someone who is best fren to u may turn over to b ur enemy n someone who is not so close wit u may turn over to be ur best fren.... thing is like tat so funny... tat y ppl called tis is philosophy lo....
Written by Kathy at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Malacca Trip
Guess what??? All the pictures taken looked so normal but now I realize that one of my personal picture look like weird weird ler when I took in A Famaso thr..... yer.... so scary ler....

Written by Kathy at 10:49 PM 0 comments