Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I feel quite depress when going to coll coz is like the time which I not be myself... I wil suddenly like change to other ppl... like anti-social... but I dun wan to be like tat... jus the environment force me to be like tat...

More than half of my course mates r not true frens... they jus can b talk crap... n utilize ppl as well... so I hate being inside the class... but now all the class is full-day means from morning til evening... so really make me beh tahan... if I skipped class quite frequent... my mum wil question me...

I til need to continue 2 n half months class in order to finish my diploma... I dunno whether I can suffer o not... I feel jealous of my frens... they all can go coll so happy n have many true frens... but me ler... in opposite of them... I feel regret y I not choosing to go UTAR... thr hav lots of my secondary school frens... anyway, time cannot return back as I wished... I jus need to clear what I facing now n find the way to solve it... right now I think I need ppl support more than try to finding "true" frens in my coll...


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